market studies
Understand the concrete needs and expectations of your customers and prospects.
satisfaction survey
These surveys respond to a need for feedback from companies, both to quickly identify customer irritants and to capitalise on their ambassadors.We collect the opinions/feelings of your customers face to face, by telephone or online.We can provide touch-screen terminals and QR codes installed on your sales floor to instantly measure the level of customer satisfaction.

We carry out studies of the competition in your sector of activity through mystery shopping and audits.Using evaluation grids similar to those used in your network and with measurements taken under the same conditions (period, same interviewer, etc.).This evaluation identifies “best practices” and enables you to prioritise your actions according to customer expectations. It allows you to enrich your monitoring KPIs and to enrich the exchanges with your teams.
the panel offer
We survey a permanent and representative sample of your customers and/or a target group for your brand, product or services.Our panel of 35,000 people enables us to guarantee fast and reliable results.We support you in analysing the data through formatted and operational reports that facilitate the communication of results and the implementation of corrective actions.